Consiglio per la ricerca in agricoltura e l'analisi dell'economia agraria - Centro di ricerca in Politiche e Bioeconomia

Farm efficiency evaluation through FADN database

Pubblicato il 10 ottobre 1999 in Aspetti orizzontali

Anno di pubblicazione: 1999
Tipo pubblicazione: Work Paper
Autori: R. Furesi, C.M. Nencioni, P. Pulha, R. Rubino
Work paper pubblicato dal Centro Internazionale di Studi Agronomi dell'area Mediterranea - CIHEAM.

The aim of the work is to identify the most important factors which distinguish the different ewes and goat milk production systems found in Italy. Basic quantitative information for the analysis comes from specialized farms belonging to the Italian Farm Accounting Data Network (FADN) sample. By using multivariate statistical tools the most important economic and technical parameters defining the differences between the observed production systems are individualized and evaluated. The comparison between analysis results and production system performances allows us to identify possible constraints andlor successful conditions. Such information can be of use when orienting sectoriaal nd local development strategiesa nd policies.

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