Consiglio per la ricerca in agricoltura e l'analisi dell'economia agraria - Centro di ricerca in Politiche e Bioeconomia

INEA methodology for calculating the Standard Output of livestock production - 2003-2005

Pubblicato il 08 agosto 2012 in Aspetti orizzontali

Anno di pubblicazione: 2011
Tipo pubblicazione: Volume a stampa
Autori: F. Mari, R. Rossi
A cura di: F. Mari, R. Rossi

This work on the Standard OutpIt is well-known that within the agricultural context livestock production is characterised as a secondary activity carried out through particularly complex and diversified production processes. They create joint large-scale productions which may be differently interpreted according to their final destination, and they also develop strong interrelations with the production of plants producing feedingstuffs and the working environmental conditions.Such complexity is often insufficiently expressed by the official statistics, both national and Community. Therefore, for many analyses, and specifically for determining reliable territorial Standard Outputs, the reference sources should be strongly integrated by other para-official sources and by a direct analytical knowledge of the various sectors involved. Only by using this critical process of analysis and consistent implementation of various sources of information we can formulate explanatory and documental models that conform to our purposes, are realistic and help us to understand the substantial characterizations of the processes in the various territorial units of reference. As documented by the methodological indications supporting the various final explanatory elaborations of the Standard Outputs, the methodological framework put in place to carry out each of them and organize the entire system of connections, has significant aspects of originality. These peculiarities are to be considered according to the goals and constraints put in place by the EU.ut of the livestock sector, carried out by INEA in conformity to the methodology defined by the EU, also suggests a methodological reference that goes beyond institutional tasks.

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