Anno di pubblicazione: 2013
Tipo pubblicazione: Rapporto in formato elettronico
Autori: AA.VV.
A cura di: LEI
For the 20th time, LEI organised the yearly Pacioli workshop. This year it took place in Rome, Italy, from 30 September to 3 October 2012. There were a record number of 48 participants from EU countries, non-EU countries such as Switzerland and Norway, candidate countries and from international organisations such as OECD, USDA, FAO and the European Commission. They discussed innovations and developments in the collection and use of farm level data. Important topics were the measurement of sustainability indicators, the specific problems of collecting information on large complex farms and the use of data for policy analysis and research. The Italian research institute INEA hosted the meeting and took care of the local organisation. LEI was responsible for organising the content of the programme and chairing the meetings. We thank Concetta Cardillo and Antonella Bodini for the local organisation of the workshop.