Anno di pubblicazione: 2009
Tipo pubblicazione: Rapporto in formato elettronico
Autori: Agricultural Economics Research Institute (LEI) (The Netherlands) and the Institute for European Environmental Policy (IEEP) (United Kingdom).
Volume disponibile in formato elettronico.
This is a study on the economic, social and environmental impact of the modulation provided for in Article 10 of Council Regulation (EC) No 1782/2003. The objectives of the study are:
… to provide a quantitative and qualitative assessment of the impacts of modulation on rural areas, social and economic performance, environment, competitiveness, community and national budgets. The study will take into account the re-distribution effects of modulation, within and between Member States, between economic sectors and types of holdings.
Contributing researchers:
Commission Steering Group members
Peter Nowicki LEI-WUR
(Project Leader) Peter Wehrheim AGRI
(Technical Officer)
Kaley Hart IEEP Noemi Beigbeder AGRI
(Coordinator non-modelling approach)
Christiane Canenbley AGRI
Hans van Meijl LEI-WUR Guido Castellano AGRI
(Coordinator modelling approach)
Luca Cianfoni AGRI
David Baldock IEEP Nicolas Clisson AGRI
Martin Banse LEI-WUR Marc Cropper AGRI
Justin Bartley IEEP Carina Folkeson AGRI
Karel van Bommel LEI-WUR Michael Grams ECFIN
John Helming LEI-WUR Annette Hurrelmann AGRI
Kristina Jansson LEI-WUR Edit Konya AGRI
Torbjörn Jansson LEI-WUR Elsa Laval AGRI
Ida Terluin LEI-WUR Thomas Lesaffer AGRI
Hennie van der Veen LEI-WUR Andreas Lillig AGRI
Peter Verburg Alterra-WUR Josefine Loriz-Hoffmann AGRI
David Verhoog LEI-WUR Johan Magnuson AGRI
Geert Woltjer LEI-WUR Christine Möller AGRI
Jukka Niemi AGRI
Case study experts:
Nivelin Noev AGRI